اختبار ستيب STEP رقم 5

صورة توضح اختبار ستيب STEP رقم 5

اختبار ستيب STEP رقم 5

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اختبار ستيب STEP رقم 5

    • ... summer we sleep on the roof .......... night 💤.

    • They’ll arrive ... Sunday ................ the evening✨.

    • My sister gets up ... six o\'clock ................. the morning ⛅️.

    • The three boys seem .......... everywhere together.

    • When Dana ......... a child, she learned to read English.

    • Human cells are ........................ small to be seen with the naked eye .

    • They ......... ever check their emails 📩.

    • I\'m so ........ I\'m going to Australia next week🇦🇺.

    • In which of the following sentences is the capital letters are correct?!✅

    • In which of the following sentences is the capital letters are correct?! ✅

    • The teacher always brings a ......... pens to class.👩🏻‍🏫

    • They ................ yesterday morning ⛅️.

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