اختبار ستيب STEP الحادي عشر

صورة توضح اختبار ستيب STEP الحادي عشر

اختبار ستيب STEP الحادي عشر

وصف الاختبار

اختبار ستيب STEP الحادي عشر اختبار قصير لستيب رقم 11

    • The teacher always brings a ................... pens to class.

    • Does the thief ........................... away every time they catch him?

    • Water .......................................... at 1000C and freezes at zero 0C 💧.

    • My kids have been ........................ their homework since 8:00.

    • I always eat at this restaurant. Tomorrow at this time, I ........................................ there. Why ?!👏🏼

    • My father has three ................................. 💫.

    • ................................. his cleverness, he passed the test?.

    • ................................. he was clever, he passed the test?.

    • When your plane ..................., please call me.

    • Khalid: I\'d like a cup of tea 🍵 . Salem: I .................. get it for you.

    • Salem ................ to Paris every year.

    • .................................. book is that? It’s my book.

    • By this time next month, I......................... on a beach in Maldives 🇲🇻.

    • Francisco is not ................................ Rome.

    • Khalid is leaving ......................... Friday .

    • While I ......................... to work, I saw an accident .

    • My bicycle is being repaired but it will be ready ........................... five hours.

    • Khalid ........................ Math for the past three years.

    • When I ........................ in Jeddah , I ................. my sister.

    • Moslems ................................ five times every day 🧎‍♂️.

    • She .................................. for three hours before she got tired 😓.

    • I have ................................. problems at work.

    • Look! The keys are .......................... the table.

يتم تحليل الاجوبة من قبل الذكاء الصناعي