اختبار ستيب STEP الخامس عشر

صورة توضح اختبار ستيب STEP الخامس عشر

اختبار ستيب STEP الخامس عشر

وصف الاختبار

اختبار ستيب STEP الخامس عشر اختبار قصير لستيب رقم 15

    • 7. Ali is tired. He ................................. for five hours.

    • Cells are ................ small to be seen by naked eyes 👀.

    • The manager ..................we met in the city.

    • Children went to sleep as soon as guests ...........left.

    • I prepare for my project........................... author\'s books do you recommend ?

    • A: ...................... I arrived, he was talking on the phone.

    • After Ahmad graduates next year, he ( ................ ) his family and get married.

    • My brother was athlete, he.........................be fit before gained weight. ✨

    • Identify the incorrect underlined word or words and mark your response on your answer sheet........ 1. Khalid and Ahmad is traveling tomorrow from Dammam to Jeddah by bus.

    • The Chinese ........................... the oldest calendar of any culture in the world today.

    • Please don’t disturb me right now. I ................. to finish the last page of this report ..

    • القرن لـ سنة 1570 :?

    • The first Pizza Hut, the chain of pizza restaurants appeared in the United States during the 1930s, The first Pizza Hut in the United States appeared in the................................century💭.

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