Which of the following is correctly punctuated?

صورة توضح Which of the following is correctly punctuated?

Which of the following is correctly punctuated?

وصف الاختبار

A woman was shopping and she got tired, however, when she saw a discount advertisement, she became more active., A woman was shopping and she got tired however when she saw a discount advertisement, she became more active., A woman was shopping and she got tired however when she saw a discount advertisement she became more active, A woman was shopping and she got tired; however, when she saw a discount advertisement, she became more active.
هذه الصفحة لغرض عرض السؤال مع الاختيارات ولا يمكنك التفاعل معها

Which of the following is correctly punctuated?

  • A woman was shopping and she got tired, however, when she saw a discount advertisement, she became more active.
  • A woman was shopping and she got tired however when she saw a discount advertisement, she became more active.
  • A woman was shopping and she got tired however when she saw a discount advertisement she became more active
  • A woman was shopping and she got tired; however, when she saw a discount advertisement, she became more active.
يتم تحليل الاجوبة من قبل الذكاء الصناعي