Identify the incorrect word or words: Our next meeting will take place next Monday on 5 pm in this building?

صورة توضح Identify the incorrect  word or words: Our next meeting will take place next Monday on 5 pm in this building?

Identify the incorrect word or words: Our next meeting will take place next Monday on 5 pm in this building?

وصف الاختبار

Will, Monday, On, In, Feedback
هذه الصفحة لغرض عرض السؤال مع الاختيارات ولا يمكنك التفاعل معها

Identify the incorrect word or words: Our next meeting will take place next Monday on 5 pm in this building?

  • Will
  • Monday
  • On
  • In
  • Feedback
يتم تحليل الاجوبة من قبل الذكاء الصناعي