Identify the incorrect underlined word or words: My father he gave that watch to me after I graduated from high school ?

صورة توضح Identify the incorrect underlined word or words: My father he gave that watch to me after I graduated from high school ?

Identify the incorrect underlined word or words: My father he gave that watch to me after I graduated from high school ?

وصف الاختبار

He, To me, Graduated, High school, Feedback
هذه الصفحة لغرض عرض السؤال مع الاختيارات ولا يمكنك التفاعل معها

Identify the incorrect underlined word or words: My father he gave that watch to me after I graduated from high school ?

  • He
  • To me
  • Graduated
  • High school
  • Feedback
يتم تحليل الاجوبة من قبل الذكاء الصناعي