It\'s the law. They .................. have a blood test before they get married. 💍💕

صورة توضح It\'s the law. They .................. have a blood test before they get married. 💍💕

It\'s the law. They .................. have a blood test before they get married. 💍💕

وصف الاختبار

Could, Must, Will, Should
هذه الصفحة لغرض عرض السؤال مع الاختيارات ولا يمكنك التفاعل معها

It\'s the law. They .................. have a blood test before they get married. 💍💕

  • Could
  • Must
  • Will
  • Should
يتم تحليل الاجوبة من قبل الذكاء الصناعي